5 Yard Dumpster

5 yard dumpster rental

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The 5 yard dumpster is the smallest of all roll off dumpster bins that we deliver. It is best used for small projects such as spring cleaning, small bathroom renovations or knocking down a wall in the house to create a bigger room. The small projects are endless with the 5 yard dumpster. It’s small size is very convenient as it does not take up space in your driveway or block any windows while using it.

Rental Terms:

  • 10 day rental period
  • Delivery Fee
  • Pickup Fee
  • Applicable Taxes

5 Yard Dumpster Dimensions:

This dumpster is 54 inches high, 80 inches long, and 72 inches wide. The capacity of junk you can throw in the 5 yard is equivalent to about eighteen 30 gallon cans.

Cost of a 5 Yard Dumpster Rental

The cost will vary depending on state and local area that you live in. The cost may also be increased if there are any permits you need to acquire to rent a dumpster. Many states have varying landfill costs which will also affect the total price. Give us a call today at 888-316-0324 to see how we can help you with your rental.

The 5 Yard Dumpster is a Good Investment

Our 5 yard dumpster rental is a great investment if the project you are undertaking is going to take a week or so. Don’t make multiple trash runs when all you have to do is throw your trash into this little, but big enough dumpster. The 5 yard dumpster can be dropped off, picked up and disposed of by your local dumpster rental company. The 5 yard dumpster holds 5 cubic yards of waste; the average car can hold 1.5 cubic yards for an example. Check out other dumpster sizes here.

Popular Dumpster Sizes:

10 Yard
15 Yard
20 Yard


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