Dumpster Rental in Golden Valley, MN

Renting a dumpster can be confusing, but after some further reading about how the process works, you will think it’s a piece of cake. By learning the fees involved and the sizes of dumpsters will give you a general idea of which company you will want to rent a dumpster in Minnesota. We are here to help you find the best dumpster rental in Golden Valley, MN.

Dumpster Rental in Golden Valley, MN

Below is a list of the dumpster sizes they have available for you. We have a description of each dumpster size as to what will fit into them. They will often match or beat the competing price so you always know you have the lowest price with them.

  • 10 Yard Dumpster
  • 20 Yard Dumpster
  • 30 Yard Dumpster

Costs of Dumpster Rental in Golden Valley, MN

There are 3 typical fees that you need to know about when renting a dumpster.

  • Base Fee. This is the baseline rate of the price depending on which size dumpster you choose to go with.
  • Permit. If you are parking a rented dumpster on a public street, you may need to get a county permit. Check out Street Use Permits website for more info.
  • Tipping Fees. Landfills charge junk removal companies to tip their trash dumpster into the landfill. Minnesota landfill tipping fees are $6.66/ton as stated by the Revisor of Statutes website for Minnesota.

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