Houston Dumpster Rental

Houston Dumpster Rental Service

Go Local. Choosing a local Houston dumpster rental company will save you quite a bit of money. That’s why choosing us for your dumpster rental needs is a smart choice. We connect you with the most trusted and best-reviewed haulers in your area so you can have peace of mind that you will rent from a great, trustworthy company at the best rental prices. Renting a dumpster from your local Houston neighborhood will save you money because they don’t have to spend as much money on gas prices or labor because they are close to your drop off area. They also don’t have the overhead expenses that bigger, national dumpster haulers have.

Clear Drop Off Area. After you order your dumpster rental, please clear away the area you wish the roll off container to be dropped off at. This will ensure that your dumpster bin is placed in the right spot and minimize any damage that may be caused if the area is not cleared. Also, if you can, keep a couple two by four wood planks out so that you can lay them underneath the dumpster wheels to prevent cracks on your pavement or sinking into any mud that may be caused by rain showers.

Service Area:

Call (713) 766-5377

Next Day Dumpster Delivery
Quick & Prompt Delivery
Affordable & Dependable

Dumpster Sizes:

  • 10 Yard
  • 15 Yard
  • 20 Yard
  • 30 Yard
  • 40 Yard


Dumpster Laws & Regulations in Houston

Houston may have restrictive regulations regarding the type of waste materials you are disposing of. Depending on your community in Houston, TX and surrounding cities, you may need a permit to place a dumpster on public sidewalks or roads. Visit Houston’s city page to find out more accurate information.

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