30 Yard Dumpster

30 yard dumpster

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The 30 yard dumpster is 30 cubic yards and holds 10-12 pick up truck loads and has a weight limit of approximately 4 tons. The maximum weight it can sustain is 7,000-10,000 pounds. The 30 yard dumpster is used for large construction projects and home building. Another popular use for this dumpster is for disposal of furniture and big bulky materials. You can count on the 30 yard dumpster rental to get the job done for those big project undertakings.

Dimensions of the 30 yard dumpster:

This dumpsters dimensions are typically 23 ft long, 8ft wide, and 6 ft high. We have the option of a swinging door on the end of these for easier use.

*We dispose of every type of household debris and construction debris. Give us a call to see what types of materials are prohibited.

30 Yard Dumpster Uses:

  • Major home additions
  • Building a new home
  • Demolitions of large decks, sheds, and garages
  • Commercial roof tear offs
  • Landscaping large areas

30 Yard Dumpster Rental Cost

Although it depends on the area you live in, 30 yard dumpster rentals will cost you anywhere from $340-$400. The cost depends of factors that include where you live, how long you will rent the dumpster for, refills, as well as any other service fees that are applicable. These fees include any permits you need to acquire by the city, landfill costs and pickup and drop off costs.

Get Ready for Your 30 Yard Dumpster Rental

Here are some tips that can help you prepare for the delivery of the 30 yard dumpster.

  • Plan on keeping your driveway clear. You will need approximately 60 feet of length space to comfortably use the dumpster.
  • Prepare and make sure no hanging wires or trees are in the way. About 20+ feet of clear vertical space is recommended as we have to use our tall trucks and the hydraulic system to properly place the dumpster.
  • Communicate exactly where you want the dumpster placed. If this can be known ahead of time it saves a lot of hassle. Sometimes homeowners are not home when we drop them off so make sure you let us know where you want it placed.
  • Always keep in mind the weight limit of the 30 yard dumpster. Costs may be added to your bill if it’s over the weight limit. If you are unsure, call us or have it picked up to be refilled if you think the weight limit is close to being achieved.

Other Dumpster Sizes:

5 Yard Dumpster

10 Yard Dumpster

15 Yard DumpsterĀ 

20 Yard Dumpster

40 Yard Dumpster


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