Dumpster Rental in Cedar Rapids, IA

Cheap Dumpster Rental Prices

When you order a dumpster with Quick Dumpster Quotes, you are guaranteeing yourself the cheapest dumpster rental in Cedar Rapids, IA. We offer flat-rate pricing with no hidden costs to you. Our flat-rate dumpster costs include:

  • 10 Day Rental Period
  • Delivery Fee
  • Pickup Fee
  • Applicable Taxes

Common Cedar Rapids Dumpster Rental Questions

What size will I need? Great question! A correct dumpster size is dependent on what you are doing. Are you remodeling a home? are you landscaping? Are you a contractor and building a home? Depending on the size of your project, the dumpster size will change. Usually, home constructions projects commonly use the 20 yard or 30 yard dumpsters. Smaller projects like bathroom renovation or garage cleaning require a 10 yard or 15 yard dumpster. The more accurate you are when estimating how much junk you will throw, the better accuracy of the best sized dumpster you need.

How much does it cost? Costs vary from dumpster sizes but here is an estimate by size.

  • 15 yard dumpster – $319.00 flat rate
  • 20 yard dumpster – $359.00 flat rate
  • 30 yard dumpster – $419.00 flat rate
  • 40 yard dumpster – $459.00 flat rate

Additional dumpster price factors. These items may have an additional cost:

  • shingles/roofing
  • dirt/yard waste
  • construction debris
  • concrete
  • household junk

Give us a call today at (888) 316-0324 to get a quote or order a dumpster.

Dumpster Sizes We Offer in Cedar Rapids, IA

15 yard dumpster

15 YARD DUMPSTER. 2,000 lb weight limit. 4.5 pickup truck loads.

20 yard dumpster

This dumpster holds about 8 pick-up truck loads. Projects: carpet and flooring removal, large basement or garage remodel, roof replacements up to 3000 sq ft, deck removals up to 400 sq ft.

30 yard dumpster

This dumpster holds about 8 pick-up truck loads. Projects: Carpet and flooring removal for large house, large garage and basement remodels, roof replacements up to 3000 sq ft, deck removals up to 400 sq ft.

40 yard dumpster

This dumpster holds about 16 truck loads. Projects: Large home renovations and remodels, large construction projects, commercial building clean outs, siding or window cleanouts on large homes and buildings.

Our dumpster sizes in Cedar Rapids come as small as 15 yard to the biggest size of 40 yard. Here are examples of typical projects that use certain size dumpsters.

Small Room/Small Bathroom Remodel. All of the rubbish you make when undergoing this project will be perfect for a 10 yard or 20 yard dumpster. The 20 yard might be big enough to throw some furniture as well.

Home Addition, Multiple Room Renovation. 20 yard or 30 yard sizes are perfect for multi-room remodels and home construction additions. The more you know about the dimensions of the area you are remodeling, the more accurate dumpster size will be revealed to you.

Roofing/Concrete Removal. A complete home cleanup will need a 30 yard or 40 yard dumpster depending on the size of the home. Furniture, siding and wood is usually being thrown during these projects.

Landscaping Project. Landscaping debris projects are perfect for the 15 yard dumpster.

Will I Need a Dumpster Rental Permit?

Needing a permit when you rent a dumpster in Cedar Rapids depends on the city office and regulations. This is different for every city so it’s a good idea to check with your local office to check if you need a permit. Usually you will not need a permit if the dumpster is on your property like the driveway or yard. If you plan to place the dumpster on a public street, then it’s very important to contact your local municipality to ensure you don’t break any laws.

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